Monday, February 16, 2009

Rearranging the Furniture

That's what I did yesterday. I rearranging the furniture in my bedroom. To me more exact I moved my bed which of course entailed moving everything else around in the room too.

It was one of those projects you have in your mind that you think well at the most it will take like an hour to do. When I was growing up my dad would have projects like that. The most famous one was on one Saturday morning. We (my dad, brother and I) were going to chop down this dead maple tree in our side yard. My dad said it would hardly take any time at all. After all the tree was dead it would come down in know time. Best laid plans. The tree it turned out wasn't all that dead after all. We used just about every sharp object in the house to try and get the thing down. About three hours into it I just gave up. I went upstairs with one of my friends and we watched TV. The thing didn't finally come down until my friend's dad came home from work. He got a rope and a whole bunch of people finally pulled the damn thing down.

That's about the way the quick rearranging of my bedroom went. I wanted to move the bed to the other side of the room. In order to do that I had to move 4 book cases. The first thing I had to do before I did was of course to empty all of them. I didn't realize how much stuff I had in them. The contents took up most of my front bedroom and the upstairs hallway.

I got the book cases empty in just about 45 minutes. I figure the rest will be easy. Ha! I had a queen size bed. The mattress was more than a little hard to maneuver around but at least it had handles on it so you could try and move it. The box spring? Well was nothing to grab hold of on the box screen. It took me almost 10 minutes to get the thing across the room. On the way of course it got on any stray object in the way. Some how it got caught on the phone cord. Then I couldn't get it around the dresser (which still has to be moved). Finally, I got the thing across the room. The next thing was to get it on the frame. That was pretty easy.

After the box spring the mattress was a piece of cake. Then I had to put the book cases in their proper places and get all the books back into them. One good thing about this was I went through the books the weeded out those I don't want any more.

This "quick" little project took almost three hours. After that I took a nap. The moral of the story is I'll think a little longer about such projects in the future.

1 comment:

Arthur Schenck said...

In my experience, the time required to do any project will expand to fill the available time. It must be one of those laws of the universe or something.