Sunday, February 08, 2009

How Do You Not Pay Your Taxes

I have to say I'm amazed by this. How can so many of these people not pay their taxes?

I think the vast majority of Americans would love to make $140,000 in one year. Tom Daschle owed that in back taxes for one year. Then of course there's Nancy Killefer (the Chief Performance Officer) and then Tim Geithner. I also understand Labor Secretary-designate Hilda Solis husband has a tax problem too. This has to do with his business but the amount is small potatoes compared to what Daschle has to pay. The problem is that the $6,400 owed by Solis husband has been outstanding for as long as 16 years. The story doesn't go into detail if the entire amount was owed for that long.

All I have to say is What the hell is going on here. Haven't these people heard of Turbo Tax or H&R Block or an accountant.

This has not been a good week for Obama. These aren't unimportant matters everyone who serves in government should pay their taxes and pay them on time. But it is a distraction from what the administration needs to be focusing on and that is the stimulus package. This needs to be passed and passed soon. Something needs to be done so the economy doesn't get any worse. Well in all likilihood it is going to get worse. But something needs to be in the works that will help to slow the decline down and maybe help start the recovery.

The tax distraction has caused a loss of focus that needs to be quickly restored.

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