Sunday, November 23, 2008

Saturday Follies

Every have one of those days when in the middle of it you go why exactly did I get up today. Wouldn't it just have been better to have stayed in bed? That's the sort of day I had yesterday. Here's how it went.

I got up a little late. I take a spinning class on Saturday morning. It starts at 9:15. It was pretty cold yesterday and I'd also wanted to run some errands after spinning and so I decided to drive over to the gym.

Parking can be tricky over there. A few minutes one way or another can make the difference between getting a spot or not. I was late. So I was concerned about if I would get s pot.

This is how my trip started. I get in the car and head out. I haven't gone very far when all of a sudden I'm passed on the right. There's a very small amount of space for this gut to complete this because there's a car parked in the right hand lane. If I hadn't slowed down, I would have hit the guy. This same guy later still in the right hand lane decided he needed to make a left hand turn which is three lanes over. So he just moves across the lanes. And of course he didn't use a turn signal.

The lights are not working in my favor and it is more and more obvious that I might not make it in time. I finally get near the gym and parking is hard to find. I find a couple of spaces but I'm not in the correct lane to get them. I need to go around the block. I'm stopped at a light. The traffic across from me has a left turn arrow. I finally get the green light.

There is someone making a left hand turn. They started making the turn after my light had turned green. I start forward and the person making the left turn decides they are going to make the turn anyway. I lay on my horn. I get this look of why are you blowing the horn. I stop because I'm concerned the other driver won't stop. I then move forward but the left turn person has decided they are going to make their turn no matter what. I sound my horn again and go on my way.

Well this little drama wasted some time and I lost the parking spots. I finally park about five blocks from the gym. I race to the gym. I get into the locker changed my clothes. I need to use to use the bathroom. I put my water bottle on the sink counter and head over to the urinal. The water bottle falls down and slowly rolls off the counter. I am of course doing my business so can't stop it from falling. The bottle rolls off the counter and shatters. So much for the water bottle. I still go to the spinning class but I find out you really do need to drink some water when you are in an hour spinning class.

But this is not the end of my fun day. A couple more things happen. I have another pass on the right and another close call. Someone who turns in front of me. Someone who moves over into my lane no signal and just enough room to fit in the lane.

I do some shopping. I get home and bring stuff into the house. Then I sell well for lack of a better word I smell shit. I think oh no. Sam had had another tummy episode earlier in the week. He hadn't made it to the litter box in time and left and very odoriferous pile. I think he's done this again. I'm looking around to clean it up. I do a search of the house but don't find anything. But I still smell it. I think maybe I put what I bought (cat food and litter) down on the ground and maybe they picked up something. Still no luck. Then finally I look at my shoes and there it is.

After all this fun I decided it was time to stay in the house and not push my luck.

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