Tuesday, March 20, 2007

A Letter to Bush

Here is a link to a story from the Chicago Tribune . It's a father's letter to Bush about the death of his son in Iraq. I think everyone no matter what their view on the war should read this.

Once again it comes down to competent leadership which is totally lacking in this administration regarding the war.

Here are the last few paragraphs of the letter:

I want you to look me and my wife and daughter directly in the eye and tell me why my son died. We should not be there, but because of your ineptness and lack of correct information I have lost my son, my pride and joy, my hero!

Again, you, Cheney and Rumsfeld will never understand what the families of soldiers are going through and don’t try to tell me you do. My wife, my daughter and I cannot believe we have lost our only son and brother to a ridiculous political war that you seem to want to maintain. I hope you and Cheney and Rumsfeld and all the other people on your band wagon sleep well at night….we certainly don’t.

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